TEEYER has built a large spare parts warehouse for our AAC block production line and other products in the corporate headquarters. Besides, a large number of parts are also available from our warehouse in the factory. If you need to purchase spare parts, just give us the necessary product information such as model no. and product picture.
According to your enquiry, we will make a uniform quotation. Before shipping the product, we need you to sign on the order. Then the parts will be sent out. All of our parts and accessories come with a quality guarantee. You can return them or ask for a change in a certain period of time.
As a leading AAC block/panel production equipment supplier in China, TEEYER can provide professional solutions according to your requirements for product quality, cost-effectiveness and reliability. If you have any questions for us, just contact our project charger. The whole procedure is simple, convenient, and efficient.
With decades of hands-on experience in the AAC block equipment, we can accomplish a turn-key project, or provide a single machine. As a professional supplier, we provide one-stop service solution, covering from equipment designing and manufacturing, installation, test-run, training, up to technical support. Our rich experience in the AAC block industry can help us make the production line both practical and forward-looking. Specifically, we can accomplish the turn-key project all by ourselves. Standard parts are adopted as the top priorities to make optimum combination.